It is my great pleasure to present you my poems of inter-faith essence. All of these poems can be found on Poetry.com and some of them have won 1st prizes there in the competition. One of the poems titled "The Religion" got published on the very first page of THE INTERNATIONAL WHO IS WHO IN POETRY, a hard-cover, over 250 pages, book published by International Library of Poetry, USA. Another poem of mine titled "Our Father" was a winner in the poetry competition on Poetry.com and got published in TIMELESS VOICES, another Collection of International Poetry Book by International Library of Poetry, USA. Another poem of mine titled "The Coming Generation" has appeared on the website of U.N.O.
I hope you like these efforts of mine:
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Copyright ©2008 Tanwir - Phool
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Copyright ©2008 Tanwir - Phool
GOD,the Creator
He is the Greatest,the Most Superior
He is the Holder of all Grandeur
Having all the Great Creator
He is Merciful to us forever
There is an Ocean of Divine favor
No doubt,He is Elevated Creator
None is equal, none is peer
He has endless love for creatures
He is the Lord, He is the Master
We are subjects, He is the Emperor
For the universe He is the Ruler
Phool, the poet is abject with errors
Praying for His Mercy forever
(Tanwir Phool)
Copyright ©2008 Tanwir - Phool
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
I hope you like these efforts of mine:
These poems have been liked by the Christian community. Click this link, then
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The Religion
GOD is very kind to human beings
GOD is very kind to human beings
He sent prophets to show the right path
Adam was the first of the chain of prophets
No prophet falsified his ancients
It is proved that
There is no opposition amongst the prophets
All of them came for betterment of humanity
There is no concept of change of religion
Religion is one and the same from the very beginning
However,prophets came in different ages
For rectification and completion of religion
Don't be opponent to each other
As there is no opposition
Amongst the prophets
Copyright ©2008 Tanwir - Phool
Our Father
Moses, Christ, and Mohammad
Moses, Christ, and Mohammad
Peace be upon them
They are the sons of Abraham
Peace be upon him
Abraham is our father
Fast friend of God Almighty
Trust in God, trust in God
This is the will of Abraham
He is the leader of the people
This is written in Book of God
Abraham is our father
Please remember dear brother
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
The Coming Generation
Peoples of the present world
Peoples of the present world
Think and think again
Don't deceive and disappoint
your coming generation
This world is not only for you
It belongs to your coming generation also
You will not be present in future
Leaving the world in the hands of new generation
Don't destroy this world
With the flames of war
Otherwise your coming generation
Will not be happy and thankful to you
It is your duty to build a new world
For your coming generation
As a matter of fact and principle
You are indebted for the same.
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
The Creator of Soul
O mortal human being!
O mortal human being!
Your pride on existence is not right
Why are you hesitant to adore GOD ALMIGHTY
Is it difficult to believe in
An unseen GOD?
You can't see Him with the mortal eyes
Your sight is not reliable everywhere
What is the soul?
You are unable to see it but can't deny
You believe in the soul
But what about the Creator of soul?
Can you make something like the earth
On which you live and die
Can you create a fly,an ant or a leaf?
You are unable to understand and surround
The knowledge of GOD ALMIGHTY
Except that He wants to disclose to you
He gives life to His creatures
And maintains system of the universe
Indeed,He is the most Superior
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
The Creator & Supporter of All
The beautiful melody of the nightingales
The beautiful melody of the nightingales
The tasteful food,fruits and vegetables
The pleasant weather,mornings and evenings
Who has provided in this world for us?
All of them are gifted by the God Almighty
Indeed,all of them are gifted by the God Almighty
See the trains,cars,trucks and buses
These are,no doubt,manufactured by you
But Who has given and provided
Iron,steel and other material to you?
All of them are gifted by the God Almighty
Indeed,all of them are gifted by the God Almighty
Have you any thing in this world?
Which has not been created or given by God
Think again and answer my question
Who gives away these things generously?
All of them are gifted by the God Almighty
Indeed,all of them are gifted by the God Almighty
Copyright ©2008 Tanwir - Phool
GOD,the Creator
He is the Greatest,the Most Superior
He is the Holder of all Grandeur
Having all the Great Creator
He is Merciful to us forever
There is an Ocean of Divine favor
No doubt,He is Elevated Creator
None is equal, none is peer
He has endless love for creatures
He is the Lord, He is the Master
We are subjects, He is the Emperor
For the universe He is the Ruler
Phool, the poet is abject with errors
Praying for His Mercy forever
(Tanwir Phool)
The Chief
Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is the Chief
Of all creatures
He (p.b.u.h.) is the last
Messenger of God
None is capable and worthy
Even to untie
Thongs of his sandals
He (p.b.u.h.) is mightier than
His immediate predecessors
Who were subdued
By their enemies
Even at this
He (p.b.u.h.) is a slave
Of God Almighty
All the universe
Is slave of Almighty God
Who is One and unparalleled
There is no god but He
(Tanwir Phool)
Note:This is a prophecy available in Bible.See verses 7 to 9 of Gospel of Mark(1:7 to 1:9).Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is Gabriel ("Rooh-ul-Ameen" in Arabic).
Gospel of Mark : http://www.usccb.org/bible/mark/1/
Gospel of Mark : http://www.usccb.org/bible/mark/1/
Muhammad(p.b.u.h.) is the best
Of all creatures
None is greater than he(p.b.u.h.)
Except Allah (the Creator)
Adam(p.b.u.h.) knows him
Jesus(p.b.u.h.) knows him
He(p.b.u.h.) is the first
He(p.b.u.h.) is the last
The Holy Qur'aan
Is his refulgence
(Tanwir Phool)
The Great Day of Christmas
The great day of Christmas
The great day of Christmas
The day Jesus was born
According to the last book of God Almighty
In its chapter 19 and the 33rd verse
Jesus said just after his birth
Peace is on me the day I was born
The day I die and also on the day
I shall be raised to life again
All the prophets are the members of the same group
They have immense respect for each other
Let us be united with friendly relations
Most obedient of God Almighty and devout
True followers of the prophets
Copyright ©2008 Tanwir - Phool
The Most Beneficent & Merciful
Indeed, GOD is the most beneficent and merciful
Indeed, GOD is the most beneficent and merciful
He has given us the knowledge and power to speak
Also wisdom,skills and capability of observation
All things and abilities are created and gifted by Him
We have built the houses and decorated them immensely
Think,who has given to us all the material we used
Look, we are weaving the clothes
For the people,men and women
Who has provided the cotton
The wool and the thread
All is created and gifted
By the most beneficent and merciful
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Comments of Dr. Khurshid Akram, a published Hindi, Urdu and English literature writer from Canada previously from India, on the poem"The Most Beneficent & Merciful":
"Not withstanding the medium of expression of the poem, it illustrates the universal characteristics of a complete Hamd. It is indeed a masterpiece.
The poem also reflects the notion that all the blessings we have in our lives should not be taken as granted.
Apart from a believer's point of view the poem also strengthens the idea that it is hard to believe in atheism.
With regards,
Dr. K. Akram"
The poem also reflects the notion that all the blessings we have in our lives should not be taken as granted.
Apart from a believer's point of view the poem also strengthens the idea that it is hard to believe in atheism.
With regards,
Dr. K. Akram"
Master mind of suicide attacks
Apparently, he is quite innocent, but engaged
Apparently, he is quite innocent, but engaged
In shedding blood of human beings
He is sitting with comfort and ease
He misleads one to commit suicide attack
With huge destruction of wealth and lives
Due to being brain-washed immensely
Perhaps he does not remember
One soldier was busy
In religious war with bravery
The Holy Prophet saw him and said
Indeed, he is hellish!
People were astonished and confused
When he was injured badly
He became impatient And made himself beheaded
The forecast of the Holy Prophet became true
It is proved that suicide in any way
Is an unlawful act
A wasteful sacrifice
Think and think again,think and think again!
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
A Great Woman
Mary,the mother of Jesus Christ
Mary,the mother of Jesus Christ
A great woman as declared by the GOD
In the Holy Book of GOD ALMIGHTY
There exists a chapter in her name
Moreover,the last verse of chapter 66
Clearly mentions that Mary guarded her chastity
She was devout and obedient of GOD
Her son Jesus Christ is respectable & honorable
All the prophets are the messengers of GOD
Let us be united and true followers of the prophets
Working for peace,education,charity and equality
Recognizing the relationship of brotherhood in mankind
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
The Message Of Humanity
You can find
You can find
The relationship of brotherhood
Easily in mankind
This idea is right and good
All the human beings
Come from the family of Adam
The faces and skins
May be different
Due to external environment
But internally the color of the blood
Indeed, is the same
This proves the fact that all
Belong to one and the same family
One who is not sincere to humanity
Indeed, is not a real member of the human race
This is the message of humanity
Copyright ©2008 TanwirPhool
Value of Human Life
The value of human life
Is recognized by the GOD ALMIGHTY
In His last Holy Book
In verse 32 of the chapter 5
He clearly says that
One who kills a human being
Is guilty of murdering
All the human community
And one who saves and protects
Life of a single human being
Is recognized as a savior of
All the human community
In the vision of GOD
In verse 70 0f the chapter 17
He tells about the dignity of human being
Indeed,He is the most merciful to us
(Tanwir Phool)
The value of human life
Is recognized by the GOD ALMIGHTY
In His last Holy Book
In verse 32 of the chapter 5
He clearly says that
One who kills a human being
Is guilty of murdering
All the human community
And one who saves and protects
Life of a single human being
Is recognized as a savior of
All the human community
In the vision of GOD
In verse 70 0f the chapter 17
He tells about the dignity of human being
Indeed,He is the most merciful to us
(Tanwir Phool)
1 comment:
Dear Mr Tanwir I liked all of your poems. the more I read the more I know the kind human being in you.
Please keep on writting peoms like
father. it was wonderful and really touched the heart.
take care
Mahmood Zaidi
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